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Hi there! I’m Dr. Ogul E. Uner. I am an ophthalmology chief resident and incoming Uveitis & Clinical Ocular Immunology fellow at Casey Eye Institute of Oregon Health & Science University. I created this website to share my experiences, connect with mentees, and help out people in their medical journey!

A little more about me: I graduated with my M.D. Summa Cum Laude from Emory University School of Medicine as the class valedictorian, Joseph B. Whitehead Surgical Scholar, Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society inductee, and Gold Humanism Honor Society member. A 2017 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in biology with a concentration in neurobiology, Summa Cum Laude.

I am an aspiring academic retina surgeon and uveitis specialist. I have a particular clinical interest in vitreoretinal lymphoma and posterior segment masquerade syndromes. My research interests include big data, artificial intelligence, and epidemiology in uveitis and retinal diseases. I have published over 30 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in journals such as JAMA Ophthalmology, RETINA, and Ophthalmology Retina. I am an ad-hoc peer reviewer for several journals, including Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases, Ophthalmic Epidemiology, and Journal of Clinical Medicine.

My professional interests include playing an active role in medical education and mentoring students from diverse backgrounds to promote academic equity, justice, and inclusion. I also use social media as a platform to mentor, learn, and share my life in and out of the white coat to thousands of unique users worldwide. As a first-generation immigrant, I did not have a role model who shared my background when I came to the United States on my own. I hope to close that gap and grow to become that person for several people.

In my free time, I like to meditate, try new cuisines, cook, watch Turkish TV, read, dabble in backgammon, play the flute, and explore our beautiful world.

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